Pilgrims-RMG in-depth Planning covers all the elements required, from design, training and the provision of personnel, through to the installation of technical systems and the procurement of specialist equipment.

Security Planning

Following a risk assessment or security audit, we help you to plan appropriate security measures. A key feature of our approach is to achieve integration between personnel, technical elements and procedures, to ensure that your overall security strategy is robust and works when required.

Contingency Planning

Developing contingency plans to cover potential crises is now recognised as essential business practice and common sense. From terrorism and criminality, through political instability and strife to natural disasters, experience has shown time and again that organisations that establish clear and effective contingency and recovery plans not only survive but actually improve their market position when a crisis hits.

Plans seldom survive intact when tested in an emergency, especially in extremes and when susceptible to human error. Pilgrims-RMG partners clients in delivering robust plans that are meticulous in their detail and broad in their vision. We help you to break down often difficult and complex problems and develop clear, easy-to-understand plans that will perform when you need them.

Building on assessment and analysis of the risks, our contingency plans are thoroughly tested to handle any crises. These may include: kidnap and ransom, emergency and medical evacuation, extortion, disaster recovery, and business continuity.

Where plans exist, Pilgrims can review and audit them. Where none exists, Pilgrims will work with you to develop best-practice solutions.

In parallel with developing detailed, robust plans, Pilgrims will provide training and education to the personnel who will be required to implement and manage these plans during a crisis.

Testing and Training

Thorough testing can highlight any unforeseen circumstances or weaknesses and allow additional measures to be put in place, if required. But circumstances change, and vital to any plan is regular re-evaluation testing. Pilgrims can plan and manage your re-evaluation testing and training programmes, to ensure that your plans remain relevant and up-to-date and that your crisis management team are confident and competent in their roles.

Call us on 0844 788 0180 (UK)
or e-mail info@pilgrims-rmg.com

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